Monday, September 30, 2019

Changing police culture Essay

The New Zealand police for the last 30 years has faced an unfriendly and an unprofessional police culture that has infringed on both the rights of fellow police offices and those of the society as a whole. This culture of open and fear less sexual misconduct and harassment of women through rape and other forms of sexual assaults. Reports indicate that most of the alleged perpetrators of these violence are high ranking policemen like the police commissioner himself. In the year 2007, the police commissioner gave findings on changing the police culture to give confidence to the public on the utility of the New Zealand police. There rests several critical elements that could hinder successful implementation of the recommendations by Margaret Bazley commission. First and foremost, I think the time lapse when the New Zealand police had started committing these types of insults had created a different culture amongst them. Culture in this respect means a shared organizational values and beliefs as well as norms that guide the action of individuals. Most of it was concentrated within the police force itself with policewomen victims of their colleagues. This is a major critical point towards the implementation of the police culture change. It therefore needs to be taken on board to achieve results for the New Zealand police and their acceptable conduct. In addition to this, the tradition that what they used to do was right according to them it portrayd a major challenge to abandon such behaviors. Their socialization and mental orientation become a stumbling block to a swift adoption of a crime free police force. Changing a culture is a process that needs time and it goes in steps. The other challenge is engraved on leadership and the wide spread misconduct of the police force across all ranks up to the commissioner. This goes ahead to crimes committed in the vicinity of the police commissioner and no action is taken. This confirms that down to the juniors, the situation is incomparable. For there to be positive change, I think there must be a radical move that exempts none of the alleged victims. The biggest problem now arises on who among them arrests the victims. Organizational culture involves status assumption in organizations with the leaders being assumed to be role models. With the findings of the investigate magazine, it reaffirms that only top ranking police officers were the perpetrators of sexual violence against their colleagues. A police cover is the worst the police can ever trade with on matters of public interest. In most organizations, bureaucracy is the order and that this cannot be assumed neither altered. This is even terrible because it exist with the top ranking officers since they are the source if information to the public. The lack of a purely independent investigative body of handling police complaints against their fellow officers. It is very hard for the police force to investigate itself on matters of social injustice. Even the government itself cannot perform because it still has to protect the reputation of its workers. It is only a body with no vested interests that can give results on dealing with complaint of the police force. The formation of a body with powers to investigate past crimes committed by the police force meant that the current and the ongoing were lawful to be put on hold awaiting investigation. The long procedural process of going back to 1980s up to 2007 gives the police a lot of confidence in terrorizing their colleagues due to the lack of immediacy in handling the allegations that arise. This is because culture unites people psychologically and includes a mission to meet. The threats to successful implementation of the recommendation is the diversity of offenses by the New Zealand policemen. Most officers are alleged to have committed several offenses. Dewar for example was convicted of four charges. It calls for the police commissioner to take radical steps in resolving the conflict since he is part of the problem. None of the junior police officers can accept to be prosecuted unless the police commissioner starts. Based on their previous culture it is hard for them to break the already held norms. It even goes further such that those officers convicted of crimes threaten to resign then it becomes hard to eradicate the culture. The formation of the â€Å"independent complain authority† cannot achieve if the police are not willing. Who will report those cases if the police themselves are already held in one culture? The police commissioner, Mr. Howard Broad was forced to respond to his own allegations of misconduct. He was affected positively and negatively as a leader. On the positive approach, he must have felt challenged that as a role model he had failed his juniors. The best was to try to avoid such suspicious allegations and promise to take responsibility of implementing the entire culture change. The trait theory puts it clearly that leadership is founded on personality. As a human being like any other and having been in a situation of an engraved culture over along time makes him fall in some uncalled for mistakes. However, his colleagues look at him like a teacher. He is very willing to a successful implementation of the recommendation though in a challenging environment. The police commissioner need to take his allegations of his misconduct and reaffirm his colleagues that he is ready to lead like a an example. Leadership is situational so he needs to work hard and give results on culture change. The greatest work ahead of the commissioner is to ask for corporation from the rest of the police. The government has the duty to get a competent person to lead the culture change in the police if Mr. Broad’s efforts are declared inconsequential. Mr. Broad as a leader is fully committed to preserving the reputation of the police however he may be thought of having committed a social misconduct. He says that his role as a police commissioner is to cement the reputation for performance and integrity within the police. This shows how much confident he is in dealing with the scenario. On the other hand, the allegations made on the police commissioner affects his ability negatively. Being the head, many of his junior officers may not take the initiative to listen to his advice. Such will divide the police to those who are loyal to the commissioner and those who are the direct opposite of his commands. This is likely to make work hard for Broad in implementing the recommendations. The inability of Mr Broad to take any action on a pornographic movie shown in his house shows how he is covering his friends. This is likely to persist with other high ranking officers not unless his case brings justice to the aggrieved parties. Here Broads ability is depicted as a failure and even leading the culture change may be hard for him based in people’s knowledge of his behavior. Regarding his personality as the lead team in the culture change, Mr Broad has two wars to fight. First, as the police commissioner he has the role of being an example to the whole New Zealand police. They are supposed to view him as a symbol of unity and service to protect the people of New Zealand. On the other hand, he has the duty to protect the reputation of the whole force on the public and give confidence to the public on their commitment to serving them. From the case leading culture change in New Zealand, there are lessons on the issues of managing culture change. Several issues need to be taken into consideration in the process of reforming persistent behaviors. The interest of reforming the police should be based in recognition of collective attitude of the organization as a whole and sideline the attitude of individual officers. The police need to find evidence on misconduct by some police officers and legally deal with officers condoning inappropriate sexual activity. The New Zealand police management lacked inappropriate policies, procedures and practices to deal with unending cases of sexual misconduct. This encompass the unavailability of standards of work amongst the front line staff. This is a shorcoming of many organizations. According to the inquiry done by Bazley, it found that standards varied across police Districts. This inconsistency resulted to the unavailability of procedures to deal with them. To address this, there needs to be drafted code of conduct for sworn police officers. The quality of investigation is vital in handling complaints against police officer’s. The complaints process on the police should be made public top enhance public confidence on the police. Prompt handling of the complaints is vital in radically driving the culture change. However, the force lacks resources to publicize its findings. The government of New Zealand has the duty to invest in the Public Complaints Authority for it to perform its duties. Changing culture of a police force is a process that also involves sustaining public confidence in the police. Police officers need to adhere and demonstrate standards of ethical and moral behavior. The police management system should comprise technocrats in administration who understand culture and organizational leadership. The management has to portray competence in handling police matters and maintaining a culture that supports police standards. This kind of management is supposed to break the strong bonding amongst the police which hinders them investigate their colleagues. The issue of on duty an off duty remain a problem among the New Zealand police. According to leadership theories, a leader remains a leader to at all costs and that he has a duty to those he leads. With such concerns, the male dominated force needs to view the work of the police to be a full, time job with responsibilities to meet. This operates by enhancing public confidence on the police.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

My Favorite Coat

I have a coat in my mind. Some say it is my favorite coat. Indeed, it is one of a kind. My coat has moods, just as I. The two of us must never part. In the summertime, my coat has my heart. During the fall leaves touch the ground but my coat and I are still around. In the winter when it gets cold, my coat and I never grow old. As spring comes and snow melts away, my coat and I go out to play. Frost wrote, â€Å"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,’ ‘And sorry I could not travel both’ ‘And be one traveler, long I stood’ ‘And look down one as far as I could’ ‘To where it bent in the undergrowth†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (n.d., The Road Not Taken). So my coat and I looked this road and realized too often the heavy load. I with my burdens all the day and my coat with its colors that sometimes changes from day to day. To understand how much we have gone through, one must know my coat is true. My coat is described in the words below and in the end, my coat and I grow. Description The coat I own is very cozy. It has two pockets on the outside and one on the inside. The coat that I own is in my mind, that keeps me warm all the time. It is made of black leather on a cold winter’s day and lamb skin internal that is what I can say. Pockets are snuggly and warm like hand muffs. The sleeves come down over my wrists, which is an advantage plus. My coat turns brown when the sun glistens through the trees. When it is autumn, the coat color changes in weather that is fair. Brown for the leaves, that fall everywhere. The pockets are lined with silk that is white. One pocket inside, carries my eyesight (glasses). During long hot summers, my coat remains true. It is on these days, it turns a cool shade of blue. The sleeves zip off and I can put them together. At these times, they become my belt. My coat becomes my robe of many colors. Despite the heat, I wear it on. When the sweat comes, it pours down my face. Yet, my coat remains true to its place. In the spring, when birds fill the air, my coat can be seen given me care. My sleeves zip on, during nights I get a chill. The coat of mine warms me at will. It knows my body, snuggling me from shoulder length and then the length goes near my toes. All the years that my coat and I coexist, hardly anyone knows. My favorite coat, whether it is black, brown, or velvet blue; changes with my mood and yet, remains true. This coat of mine is worn everyday. If the sun comes out, it glistens within. No matter what, my coat is a true friend. Summer’s come often and the heat increases. My coat and I do not go to pieces. I am cooled by the cotton within. The coat, itself, never will end. â€Å"What is that†, you ask? Why, being my true friend. Now in the spring, once again, my coat and I often spend. Time together, my favorite coat and I, sit in the park and watch people walk by. Birds still chirp and sing their song. My coat and I listen to expressions that never receive a gong. Conclusion Fall comes and trees are bare. Yet, my coat and I remain in each other’s care. I am warmed all the day. The coat is cleaned whenever I say. Dry cleaners for the best of what my coat has to give. Never, I imply, my cost must live. So by the light of the moon, I take out the coat cleaner. My coat is washed until it looks leaner. Not a speck of dirt, the silk must show. When I wear my coat, we both must glow. In the summer, when the sleeves zip off once again, I remain true to my coat because it is my favorite friend. Frost mentioned, â€Å"I shall be telling this with a sigh’ ‘Somewhere ages and ages hence:’ ‘Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—‘ ‘I took the one less traveled by,’ ‘And that has made all the difference’† (n.d., The Road Not Taken). Reference Frost, R. (n.d.). Table of Contents: The Road Not Taken. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from Web site:   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A theoretical element of media violence

A theoretical element of media violence Various hypotheses have been offered to describe processes of influence which violent TV might have on childrens behavior. All I can do here is to refer to some of these proposed processes briefly. No single process is likely to offer an adequate explanation. Short-Term Influences Modeling/Imitation: Social learning theorists (such as Bandura) emphasize the observational learning of particular kinds of aggression from a model. Those who employ this argument see film and TV characters as models from whom children learn behavior which may be imitated in everyday life. Unless they had seen the film The Deer Hunter the American teenagers who killed themselves with randomly loaded revolvers (as in the films grisly game of Russian roulette) might not have done so. In such cases, simple imitation of media violence is widely cited as the reason for the violent behavior. Symbolic Modelling is a variation on this process, whereby watching violent programmes may be a factor in encouraging violent behavior which is not directly imitated but which has been generalized from the specific behavior demonstrated in the media. Identification In another modified version of the imitation theory, it is argued that viewers tend to adopt the aggressive behavior of characters only if they identify with them and if the characters behavior is seen to be justified. Obviously, people are more likely to imitate the behavior of an attractive model than a less attractive one, and empathy is likely to heighten this tendency. Vicarious Reinforcement: If violence is reinforced by being seen to pay off for the aggressor this may promote its acceptability to the viewer compared with violence which is punished or unproductive. We have already referred to one such example in one of the Bandura studies. Both vicarious reinforcement and identification may mean that aggression by goodies can be more of a problem with children than that of baddies. Criticism of aggressive acts either within the programme itself or by co-viewers tends to reduce imitation by children. Perceived Reality: Another variation of modeling which lacks an agreed label is imitation subject to the degree of perceived reality. Some studies (eg Feshbach 1976) have shown cartoon violence to have a less negative influence on childrens behavior than more realistic violence. Instigation/Arousal According to this variation on modeling, those who are already in a state of high emotional or physiological arousal (which may itself have been influenced by TV) are more likely to engage in aggressive behavior in response to watching a violent incident on TV than are others. Leonard Berkowitz found that if viewers of a violent film were made angry or frustrated before they watched it, they expressed more aggression than those who were not already angry or frustrated. We may also note that heavy viewers tend to be less emotionally aroused by violent TV itself than do light viewers (Gunter McAleer, 1990). Related to the influence of arousal, some commentators refer to reinforcement in a general sense, meaning that TV violence has relatively little independent influence on behavior, but tends to reinforce any aggressive attitudes and behavior which may already exist. Some also refer to this as pre observation reinforcement. The more general argument of reinforcement is that the more aggressive tendencies are reinforced in this way, the more likely it will be that they will produce aggressive behavior. Sensitization is a sort of reverse modeling, whereby viewers react so strongly to some extreme example of realistic violence that they are less likely to imitate it. Ethical considerations mean that its not much studied. Where viewing of violence is light sensitization may be more likely than desensitization. Catharsis (or symbolic catharsis): As we have seen, Seymour Feshbach (1955; Feshbach Singer, 1971) has argued (rather differently from all the varieties of modelling theory) that fantasy violence can have a cathartic effect on viewers, defusing latent aggression, and reducing the possibility of aggressive behaviour. People often report feeling better after watching a really scary film. Note that this theory, which suggests that aggressive behavior television may not have harmful effects, is often si ngled out for an attack, as in the case of the study already referred to by Feshbach and Singer. A serious objection, though, is that the content of TV programmes may be partly responsible for any pent-up aggression or anxieties in the first place! Certainly, theres no doub that TV characters enter into childrens dreams, and TV-inspired fantasies may not only inspire nightmares but may also perform a valuable role in developing defenses against the real or imagined vulnerability. Another version of catharsis theory is that watching violent programmes decreases levels of arousal, leaving viewers less prone to aggressive behavior. Longer Term Influence Disinhibition This related theory formerly advanced by Leonard Berkowitz suggests that people are naturally aggressive, but that they normally repress this aggression. Heavy viewing of violent TV weakens their inhibitions and leads them to feel that aggression is acceptable. Desensitization The notion of desensitization involves the argument that heavy viewing of violent TV over time conditions viewers gradually to accept violence as normal, dulling their sensitivity to aggressive behavior in everyday life. The conditions of ordinary TV viewing may encourage us to relax and enjoy violent images. Arousal declines as the viewing of violence becomes routinized. Drabman Thomas (1984) found that children of 8 to 10 shown a video of aggressive behavior took longer to intervene in apparently real-life violence between two younger children they were left in charge of than children who had not seen the video. However, such studies are still artificially lab-based and do not explore childrens own thoughts and feelings. The origin of such theories is again in the behaviouristic tradition of behavior modification. Observations suggesting densitization may, in fact, have been observing the development of childrens defenses against anxiety. TV viewing may influence not only behavior but also attitudes and beliefs Value Reinforcement: Whilst this doesnt have a technical label, this refers to the theory that TV programmes may reinforce certain values about the use of violence (rather than directly influencing behavior). Programmes where violence is used frequently to settle disputes reinforce the value that aggressive behavior is acceptable. Cultivation Theory: George Gerbner and his colleagues in the USA argue that the most significant effects of TV violence are ideological rather than behavioral. Gerbner sees TV as a modern opiate of the people, serving as a tranquilizer which legitimates the current social order. He has shown that there is a correlation between TV viewing and viewers estimations of the frequency of violence in the everyday world. Heavy viewers are more likely to mistrust other people and to experience fear and insecurity, and therefore to support stronger forms of policing and social control. However, Gerbner makes no allowance for the variety of individual interpretations or for the kind of programmes involved. It may be that more fearful people are drawn to watching more TV. And other social and personality factors may counter such cultivation.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Negotiation Skills Study 03069 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Negotiation Skills Study 03069 - Essay Example Some of the main terms, which will be explored in the paper are negotiation as well as negotiation skills. According to Manning and Robertson (2004), negotiation skills are the abilities needed in the arbitration process. Brett (2012) asserts that negotiation is a process in which confronting parties focus on resolving their issues in an effort to attain a common goal. Therefore, this paper is only limited to detailing the fact that negotiation is for all persons and answering the question on whether or not negotiation skills are similar in all fields they are practiced. It is indisputably that negotiation is meant for all people regardless of their age, gender, as well as ethnic affiliation and the required skills are different in diverse settings or situations. According to Caputo (2012, p. 374), negotiation skills are imperative and they should be improved in order to ensure a competitive edge in the business and political arena. This is a factual statement, considering that such skills are imperative in various fields and are vital to professional as well as laymen. It is evident that negotiation cannot be said to be a process that is meant for only top salespeople, advocates, or skilled diplomats. However, it is something that all persons do in their day to day life. Although negotiation skills are not similar in all fields, everyone does negotiate and different skills are required, depending on what is being negotiated for. For instance, in peace accords as well as when organisations are formulating mergers, the negotiation stakes are higher and dramatic as compared to when people are simply negotiating to get a new job (Barron 2003, pp. 635-637). Different people undergo the negotiation process since they face numerous sources of conflicts in their day to day life. The theory of conflict process identifies numerous structural roots of clash within the organisations such as having incompatible goals, when there are differences in people’s values,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

D. L. Woodside Sunshine Snacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

D. L. Woodside Sunshine Snacks - Essay Example Lastly, Woodside has the drive, or the motivation (Daft 41) which influences him to exert much effort in innovating new products. For as long as he has the drive, Woodside can show the management of Sunshine Snacks that he deserves the position through his development of innovative products. However, Woodside should not be overly confident with what he can do for it might lead him to egocentricity and become a hindrance to his goal of establishing strong relationships in his new working environment. Woodside can be both a people oriented and a task-oriented leader. Firstly, he is a people oriented leader because he expresses sympathy and is willing to help his co-workers even at his own expense (covering up for George who has a drinking problem), one reason why his relationship with his former co-workers was intact. Although his being people-oriented leader tends to become domineering at times, it can help him easily cope up with his new working environment improving the relationship between him and his staffs. Secondly, he is task-oriented because he can keep his focus on a project until it gets finished and eventually gains a positive outcome. Apparently, the two leadership styles would be best applied by Woodside at Sunshine Snacks. The combination of both people oriented, and task-oriented leader can lead to a high-high leadership style (Daft 57) which is proven to be an effective leadership style in successful organizations. Individualized leadership lies on the assumption that "leaders develop a unique relationship with each subordinate" (Daft 52), then becomes the basis of the leaders in their treatment of the individual, group members. In return, it also gives an idea of how the member will respond to the leaders behavior. The understanding of this theory is helpful to Woodside in such a way that it can slowly put an end to the resistance of his

Corporate Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Corporate Training - Essay Example This paper presents a detailed research analysis in to the training practices prevalent in the South African entities and the effect of such training on the global competitiveness of the firms form the view point of the management and also the threats and opportunities the training poses form the employees' view point. The biggest challenge for many companies is found in establishing a workforce that is enthusiastic and at the same time having a sense of belonging to the organization. Through research studies, this has been identified as a key element in ensuring the corporate success both in the short and long-term functioning of the firms. In the current business environment of increased labour attrition rates, employee retention has been the major task of the Human Resources Professional in many larger organizations. They are always on the look out for innovating techniques of increasing the job satisfaction and morale of the employees in order to keep the attrition rates low. One of the distinct ways of securing the employee retention is to impart periodic comprehensive training programmes on developing the skills of the employees so that they become more useful to the organization. ... Section 1 Introduction The biggest challenge for many companies is found in establishing a workforce that is enthusiastic and at the same time having a sense of belonging to the organization. Through research studies, this has been identified as a key element in ensuring the corporate success both in the short and long-term functioning of the firms. In the current business environment of increased labour attrition rates, employee retention has been the major task of the Human Resources Professional in many larger organizations. They are always on the look out for innovating techniques of increasing the job satisfaction and morale of the employees in order to keep the attrition rates low. One of the distinct ways of securing the employee retention is to impart periodic comprehensive training programmes on developing the skills of the employees so that they become more useful to the organization. The effects of such training on the employee motivation and improved performance has been proved many a times res ulting in higher advantages to the employer. It is important to understand though the business employs the greatest business model in the world and the best of the systems, unless the employees have the strength and ability to handle such sophisticated corporate aids, it may not really help the firm to enjoy the benefits of such investments. The employee trainings may cover a wide range of corporate functional areas including developing the communication skills of the employees, improving the technical skills, training about quality concepts and interpersonal relationships. The different aspects of training and development has varying impact on the employers and employees in that the employers look at the training

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analysing engineering product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysing engineering product - Essay Example omotive components division is the largest of the three business areas which employs 60% of the workforce and most of its business comes from its overseas divisions. The case study focuses on this business area of the company. The automotive components division is also first tier supplier to multinational final producers of automobiles and 49% of its sale comes from Europe and mostly from Germany, France and Spain where 69% of its overseas workforce is employed. In the recent years, looking at the demands of its customers, the company has standardised the production lines and its working practices in all its sites worldwide. The main reasons being that though the cars sold in different countries may vary slightly, they are nevertheless produced in similar manner thereby necessitating the need for same specifications for the components of the cars in different countries. The company has been persuaded to standardize because most of its clients are multinationals who have their business spread through out the world. internalization; MNEs are the vehicle through which production has become international and factors of production such as management, labor and technology have become mobile internationally† (Stopford and Strange 1991).Multinational companies have the advantage of operating their business in different countries throughout the world with the same standard and efficiency. Hence they mostly prefer those companies as their suppliers which can provide product or services that have same specifications worldwide and can be freely used by any or all of their globally located operations. Engineering Product Company has thus managed to gain multinational customers by standardising processes in their production lines in different countries. The restructuring, integrated and streamlined the administration and production lines of its various sites across the globe. All the previously broadly decentralised plants have now been brought under a common code of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cracking the Code of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cracking the Code of Change - Essay Example In most of the cases we see that change management is considered necessary and good (Ogbonna, and Wilkinson, 2003, p. 1151). The contemporary ideas for change reflect that the managers must be capable enough to plan out organizational changes and also be responsive enough to the changing environment. Organizational changes require large efforts and time of the managers as well as other employees. According to a British Survey, about 94 percent of the organizations experienced planned change in 1997 (Study, and Grey, 2003, p. 2). This study aims at discussing the change management theories and every other dimensions of change in the organizations. It would begin with a basic overview on change and the traditional approaches on change management in organization. Then the essay would lead the readers to the different theories presented by different authors on change and its strategic impact on the organization. The essay would also include the impact of change on the competitive advanta ge of the company by citing examples from the article â€Å"Cracking the Code of Change". ... Other authors have different perspectives. They believe that organizational change includes behavioral patterns of blocking higher performances of the organization and analyzing the consequences to understand the underlying values and assumptions. The secondary reason could be the culture, which should also be considered. There are numerous approaches to change or change management and many ways to categorize them. The two major ones are the Planned and Emergent approach. Since 1950s to 1980, the theories of organizational change were dominated by the planned approach. This was developed by Kurt Lewin and further revised by the Organization Development movement (Simms, 2005, p. 121). The planned approach focused on improving the effectiveness and the operation of the human resource of the organization. This could be done with the help of team based programmes for change management (Collins, 1998, p. 60-62). However, in 1980s the world received the oil shocks and this led to the sever e economic downturn in the western countries. In this scenario, it was absolutely clear that organization had to transform them to face the situations. In this situation the Planned changed started receiving criticism and questions were raised with regards to its effectiveness and efficacy. Against the backdrop of the economic downturns in the west, the Emergent approach began taking the position of the traditional change approach. This approach was based on the new economic situation of the market and organization found the touch of reality in this approach. The emergent approach viewed change as a process where individuals are the parts of the organization who deal separately with individual goals, one at

Monday, September 23, 2019

Physical Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Physical Science - Essay Example Weight gain is the dependent variable as its value is determined by another variable in the study, frequency of consumption. The study will be implemented through an experimental design. This approach involves random selection of research participants who are then grouped into experimental and control groups. Placement into either experimental or control groups are also done randomly. Treatment is then applied on the experimental group and data collection and data analysis follows. The research design is preferred for the study because of its strength in evaluating correlation relationship. Existence of experimental and control groups establishes ground for comparisons. In the study, 150 16-year-olds will be recruited, randomly from an academic institution. They will be informed of the scope of the research and their consent, together with their parents’ approval obtained. The students will be restrained from consuming French fries for two weeks and their weights measured. They will then be organized into three groups of 30 participants each, by random selection. One group, the control group will b e restrained from using French fries, another group will be restricted to two times per week consumption of French fries and the third group allowed to take French fries three times a week. Discipline to the assigned consumptions rates will be monitored for four weeks. I shall assume the full responsibility of designing and implementing the study. This will aim at ensuring diligence in implementation of the research design and elimination of potential bias that could arise from self-interest of a contracted party. Data will then be collected for each group, after four weeks, and analysis for any significant difference in mean weight change across the groups done. Two approaches will be used for data analysis. The first approach will investigate possible difference in individuals’ weights

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Waterbording & torture Essay Example for Free

Waterbording torture Essay Waterbording is definitely torture. There is absolutely no way around this issue, it is torture pure and simple. Waterbording is slow suffocation, with water being poured over you gag reflex. It is in effect, controlled drowning. Waterbording is not a stimulation of drowning; it is the real thing, where the victim feels like they are drowning. Depending on the desired result, it will be dictated by the torture how long the victim is to be drowned. I do not believe that waterboarding is an effective tool for interrogation. When a person is being tortured they are liable to say and do anything, just for the torture to stop. Take for instance the story of the sixty year old man, who was tortured using the waterboarding technique. He told his captors everything what they wanted, to hear, but in reality he was none of these things, just a simple school teacher, who’s only crime was that he once spoke French. But even though he told them some truth, they did not stop, but continued to torture him. This is because many of the torturers take a certain sadistic pleasure in torturing their victims even more. This just goes to show that waterboarding as an effective torture tool is useless, because you cannot be really sure if the person is telling the truth, unless you personally check it out. The victims have no choice but to cooperate with this form of torture. Because America has supported the use of waterboarding techniques, you can be sure that whenever Americans are captured and taken prisoners, they will be treated no differently and subjected to waterboarding torture as well. Waterboarding is a war crime and should be treated as such by people all over the world. Source: Nance, Malcom. Waterbording is torture Period. Small Wars Journal (2007): 1-7. 4 Apr. 2008 www. smallwarsjournal. com/blog/2007/10/waterboarding- is- torture- perio.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Harmonics In Domestic Power Consumption Engineering Essay

Harmonics In Domestic Power Consumption Engineering Essay The objectives of this project are to design a model in Matlab/Simulink of a Domestic power system. The model represents a domestic power source and load that contains both linear and non-linear devices. It will be a time-based model which means these devices will be switched ON and OFF at various timings. Means of monitoring the voltages and currents responses are also added to this model and they are discussed in the results discussion part of this report. Finally, harmonic filters are added to the power system and their influence in reducing the harmonics content is observed. The approach taken for this project was to study the methods of simulation using Simulink and the examples related to Harmonics provided by this program. After that, a survey of Non-linear devices was conducted to observe the harmonics effects and to measure the values of the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and current amplitudes of the odd orders of the harmonics (i.e. 3rd, 5th, 7th harmonics and so on) of each device using a power quality meter. After completion of the survey, the measurements were added to the model and simulation of the power system is conducted. The results showedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Acknowledgements Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background Power system quality has become a major concern for both the power supplier and the end-user especially with the various aspects of power quality disturbance. The impact of harmonics on the modern power systems in specific has become a serious issue to the electrical power utilities and to the costumers as it may cause huge economic losses. The impact of harmonic distortions on domestic power systems can be categorized to two categories: impact on the electrical power utilities of the power supplier and impact on the customer equipment and devices. From the power suppliers prospective, harmonic distortion may harm their major components like transformers, overhead transmission lines and cables. It might cause a reduction in the components lifetime and hence cause economic losses to the power supplier due to maintenance and reinstallation. This, in turn, will increase the system losses and as a result will reduce the efficiency of the power plant. From costumers prospective (residential area or domestic load in this case), a distorted domestic power system will affect the equipment and the devices that are being used. Harmonic distortion may cause them to overheat and reduces their lifetime. As a result, an increase in the electricity bills and economic losses to the customer may occur. The aim behind this project is to have a full understanding about non-linear domestic loads that exist in current residential power systems and their contribution to harmonic distortions. This project consists of a survey of measurements from a number of selected non-linear devices that may have an effect in the domestic power system in term of harmonics. After collecting these measurements, the distortion level will be compared to the international standards and a model will be designed in Simulink to represent the harmonics effect of these non-linear devices and then adding harmonic filters to mitigate their effect. Problem Definition The harmonics distortion produced by the non-linear devices in the domestic load can cause negative impacts on the domestic power system. Both the utilities and the customers are affected economically. Objectives Measuring and evaluating the harmonics that are produced by non-linear devices available in todays domestic loads than model them on Simulink. After that, further analysis and investigation for a solution to this harmonic distortion is to be done. Scope and Limitations This project will be focusing on the domestic loads that are connected to domestic power systems. It will only look into a specific power quality issue, which is harmonics and will disregard any other types of power quality disturbance. For this reason, the mitigation technique to reduce the total harmonic distortion will be considered is a passive harmonic filter. Report organization The final report consists of six chapters which are divided into sections and subsections for a better explanation of the contents of this report. Chapter one discusses about the background of the project and explains briefly the impacts of the harmonics on the utilities and the customers and the relationship between harmonics and the economic losses. It also defines the problem, the objectives and the scope and limitations to this project. Chapter two covers the literature review of research topic. It includes a proper definition of harmonics and lists their effects on power systems in terms of technical and economic losses. Moreover, the chapter gives information about harmonic sources and the available mitigation techniques that can be used to reduce the harmonics distortion. Chapter three is about the practical and experimental work that has been done. It will discuss how the measurements and the evaluation of the harmonic distortion have been done and the equipment that were used. It will also include a subsection about the modelling part of the project and the blocks that were used in Simulink. Chapter four will discuss the results acquired from the experimental work and briefly compare the harmonic distortion of the non-linear devices and the international standard. Chapter five is about conclusion and implications of the project. It includes a final discussion, a conclusion and recommendation for further work or issues to be pursued. CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction Power Quality disturbances can be defined as any power disturbance that will lead to voltage, current or frequency fluctuation that result in failure or misoperation of customer equipment. Power quality is considered to be a very important factor due to the fact that power is a part of our daily lives and any interruption or disturbance may cause into several problems such as data corruption, equipment damage, and data transmission errors and reduce equipment life. All these problems can result in huge economic losses to both the utility and the customers. There are several types of power quality disturbances as listed below [4]: Harmonics Transients Short-Duration Voltage Variations Long-Duration Voltage Variations Voltage Imbalance Waveform Distortion Voltage Fluctuation Power Frequency Variations This project will focus on one of the most important power quality disturbances which are harmonics. Harmonics are important to be analyzed as they occur in the industrial loads, residential loads and also in the utility. Analyzing harmonics will help to design a more stable system by applying the appropriate mitigation techniques that reduce harmonics. 2.2 What is Harmonics? A harmonic is a component of a periodic wave having a frequency that is an integral multiple of the fundamental power line frequency 50-60 Hz. Total harmonic distortion is the contribution of all harmonic frequency currents to the fundamental [5]. 2.3 What is Inter-Harmonics? Inter-harmonics are additional frequencies which are not an integer of the fundamental frequency that can be observed between the harmonics of the power frequency voltage and current. It appears as discrete frequencies or as a wide-band spectrum and can be found in power systems of all voltage classes [1]. There are different sources of inter-harmonic waveform distortion such as static frequency converters, cyclo-converters, induction motors, arching devices and power line carrier signals. The corresponding effects of these inter-harmonics are affecting power line carrier signalling and induce visual flicker in display devices such as cathode ray tubes (CRTs) [1]. 2.4 Harmonic Effects Harmonics have many impacts on the electrical systems and equipment that it may cause overheating for some of the system components which will result in power losses that may decrease the life time of the components which means high economic losses for the utilities. Also if a consumer is having distorted waveforms, it will affect the life time of the equipment therefore again more losses for the consumer as well. Bottom line, harmonics impact is a chain reaction each problem will lead to many other problems [1]. Harmonics cause problems both on the supply system and within the insulation which can be summarized into the following [7]: Overloading of Neutrals: When the loads are not balanced, only the net out of balance current flows in the neutral. Installers (with the approval of the standards authorities) have taken advantage of this fact by installing half-sized neutral conductors. However, although the fundamental currents cancel out, the harmonic currents do not in fact those that are an odd multiple of three times the fundamental, the triple-N harmonics, add in the neutral [8]. 2. Effects on Transformers Transformers are affected in two ways by harmonics. Firstly, the eddy current losses increase at full load with the square of the harmonic number. This results in a much higher operating temperature and a shorter life time. Fortunately, few transformers are fully loaded; however the effect must be taken into account when selecting plant. The second concern is the triple-N harmonics. When reflecting back to a delta winding they are all in phase, which leads the triple-N harmonics to get trapped and circulate in the delta winding and does not get absorbed onto the supply. However, the non-triple-N harmonics can pass through the delta connection winding. The circulating current has to be taken into account when rating the transformer [4]. 3. Nuisance Tripping of Circuit Breakers Residual current circuit breakers (RCCB) operate by summing the current in the phase and neutral conductors if the result is not within the rated limit, disconnecting the power from the load. Nuisance tripping can occur in the presence of harmonics for two reasons. Firstly, the RCCB device may not sum the higher frequency components correctly and therefore trips. Secondly, the kind of equipment that generates harmonics also generates switching noise that must be filtered at the equipment power connection. The filters normally used for this purpose have a capacitor from line and neutral to ground, which might lead into current leakage to ground [4]. 4. Power Factor Correction Capacitors Power-factor correction (PFC) capacitors are provided in order to draw a current with a leasing phase angle in order to compensate for the lagging current that is drawn by the inductive loads such as induction motors. The impedance of the PFC capacitor reduces as the frequency increases, while the source impedance is generally inductive and increases when the frequency increases. As a result, the capacitor is likely to carry high harmonic currents which may lead to it getting damaged, unless it has been specifically designed to with stand that high amount of current [4]. 5. Skin Effect The skin effect is said to happen when the alternating current tends to flow on the outer surface of a conductor. Skin effect is normally ignored as its effect is minor at power supply frequencies. However at above about 350Hz which occurs at the seventh harmonic and above, the skin effect will become significant and will be taken into consideration. As it will be causing additional losses and heating [4]. 6. Induction Motors Harmonics may affect the induction motors in a way that the harmonics may induce a flux to the rotor in an opposite direction to the rotor rotation which will reduce the motor efficiency also harmonics may increase the eddy current in the rotor which therefore will increase heat dissipation [9]. 7. Zero-Crossing Noise Many electronic controllers detect the point at which the supply voltage crosses zero volts to determine when loads should be turned on. This is done because switching inductive loads at zero voltage does not generate transients which may lead into reducing electromagnetic interference and stress on the semiconductor switching devices [9]. 8. Harmonic Problems Affecting the Supply When a harmonic current is drawn from the supply it gives rise to a harmonic voltage drop proportional to the source impedance at the point of common coupling (PCC) and the current. Since the supply network is generally inductive, the source impedance is higher at higher frequencies. Of course, the voltage at the PCC is already distorted by the harmonic currents drawn by other consumers and by the distortion inherent in transformers, and each consumer makes an additional contribution [9]. 2.5 Sources of Harmonics Different non-linear loads produce different but identifiable harmonic spectra. This makes the task of recognizing the harmonics that are produced from those loads easier. Utilities and users of electric power have to become familiar with the signatures of different waveform distortions produced by specific harmonic sources. This will help us figure out better mitigation methods in order to reduce the harmonics produces from the source. This will reduce the harmonics penetration to the electrical power system. At the development of power electronic switching devices, harmonic current propagation was looked at from the perspective of design and operation of power apparatus devices with magnetic iron cores, like electric machines and transformers. At that time the main source of harmonics must have involved substation and customer transformers operating in the saturation region. Harmonics are the by-products of modern electronics. They occur frequently when there are large numbers of personal computers (single phase loads), uninterruptible power supplies(UPSs), variable frequency drives (AC and DC) or any electronic device using solid state power switching supplies to convert incoming AC to DC. Non-linear loads create harmonics by drawing current in abrupt short pulses, rather than in a smooth sinusoidal manner [1]. All variable frequency drives cause harmonics because of the nature of the frontend rectifier design. The 6-pulse rectifier is the standard power circuit elementary configuration for most pulse width modulated variable frequency drives with Diode Bridge rectifiers sold in the marketplace today. Harmonics are generated by non-linear loads, and can be divided into [1]: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Saturable Devices à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Arcing Devices à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Power Electronics 2.5.1 Saturable Devices Saturable devices are devices which operate under steady state conditions (constant voltage and current). Examples of saturable devices are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Transformers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rotating Machines 2.5.2 Arcing Devices Arcing devices are devices that consume high amount of current such as lighting ballasts, arc furnaces, welding machines and fluorescent lamps. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ lighting ballasts Electronic lighting ballasts have become popular in recent years because of the overall improved efficiency. The light level can be maintained over an extended lifetime by feedback control of the running current and as result of changing the current it generates harmonics in the supply [1]. Small Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) For high power units, UPS is used. The aim is to make the power supply load look like a resistive load so that the input current appears sinusoidal and in phase with the applied voltage as a result of that UPS is a source of harmonics [1]. Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) The harmonic current spectrum is produced in CFL. These lamps are being widely used to replace filament bulbs in domestic properties and especially in hotels where serious harmonic problems are suddenly becoming common [1]. 2.5.3 Power Electronics Devices Switched mode power supplies (SMPS) Majority of companies use modem electronic units like SMPS. The advantage to the equipment manufacturer is that the size, cost and weight is significantly reduced and the power unit can be made in almost any required form factor. But its disadvantage is that, rather than drawing continuous current from the supply, the power supply unit draws pulses of current which contain large amounts of third and higher harmonics and significant high frequency components [1]. Figure 2.2 Switched Mode Power Supplies (DC-to-DC Converter) 6-Pulse Thyrister Rectifier Variable speed controllers, UPS units and DC converters in general are usually based on the three-phase bridge. The six pulse bridge produces harmonics as 6n (- or +) 1. As we increase Pulse Bridge, harmonics will be less [11]. 2.6 Mitigation Techniques There are many ways to reduce harmonics, ranging from variable frequency drive designs to the addition of auxiliary equipment. The primary methods used today to reduce harmonics are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 12-Pulse Converter In this configuration, the front end of the bridge rectifier circuit uses twelve diodes instead of six. The advantages are the elimination of the 5th and 7th harmonics to a higher order where the 11th and 13th become the predominate harmonics. This will minimize the magnitude of harmonics, but will not eliminate them. The disadvantages are cost and construction, which also requires either a Delta-Delta and Delta-Wye transformer, Zig-Zag transformer or an autotransformer to accomplish the 30 ° phase shifting necessary for proper operation. This configuration also affects the overall drive system efficiency rating because of the voltage drop associated with the transformer configuration requirement. Transformers Transformers have reactance and resistance which makes it represent the majority of the impedance found in lines feeding non-linear loads. Reactive impedance increases directly with frequency, naturally attenuating harmonics by reducing available current at higher frequencies. This technique is commonly used in reducing the current distortion of electric motor drives in industrial applications. Delta-Delta connected transformers for some drives and Delta-Wye connected transformers for the remaining drives are used in order to trap the triple-n harmonics. This will lead into current distortion reduction [7]. Line Reactors This method consists of connecting a line reactance in series with the harmonic source at which the reactance will reduce the harmonic current. However, the line reactance method has different advantages and disadvantages as shown in the Table 2.l[12]. Advantages Disadvantages Low Cost Harmonics reduction is insignificant Available in different values Dynamic characteristics depend on the line capacity Small power losses At very low load conditions it may damage the line due to high harmonic currents Table 2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Line Reactors The amount of harmonic that can be reduced is a function of the impendence of the line reactor the higher the line impendence the higher the reduction in harmonics. Active Filters Active harmonic filters uses power electronic devices in order produce harmonic current components that cancel the harmonic current components that are produced by the nonlinear loads. The active harmonic filter is configured based on a pulse width modulated (PWM) voltage source inverter that interfaces to the system through a system interface filter. The active filter configuration that is shown in Figure 2.6 is referred as a parallel active filter as the filter is connected in parallel with the nonlinear load that is compensated. Figure 2.6 show the concept of the current cancelation so that the current being supplied from the source is sinusoidal. The voltage source inverter is used in the active filter in order to control the harmonics. This inverter uses dc capacitors as the supply and can switch at high frequencies to generate a signal that can cancel the harmonics produced by the non-linear loads. The voltage distortion is reduced because the harmonic currents that flow through the source impedance are reduced [13]. Passive Filters Passive filters consist of capacitor, inductor and a resistor connected in parallel to a nonlinear load. Passive filters will provide a low impedance path for the harmonic current therefore will inject them to ground. Passive filters can be tuned to absorb one type of harmonic current or several types as shown in the Figure 2.7 [14]. Figure 2.7 Passive Tuned Filters: (a) Single Tuned (b) Double Tuned Another important feature of the passive filters is that they can improve the power factor since they have a capacitance in their construction. Moreover, filters can be specified according to the connection type into two main groups, the series connection and parallel. The filters power losses depends on the material used so the lower the losses the higher the cost of the filter so after all its a trade of between the power losses and the filter cost [15]. In conclusion, many techniques by which harmonics can be mitigated from the system but always there are some advantages and disadvantages for each technology which makes it appropriate for some applications and not for others. Moreover, the decision of using which mitigation technique depends mostly on the cost, reliability and power losses. Always important to keep in mind that theoretical calculation and assumptions for the type/size of mitigation technique does not always match with the practical findings due to some voltage disturbance and phase unbalancing. 2.7 Harmonic Evaluation and Measurements 2.7.1 Introduction Evaluating harmonic system is a very important step in the analysis and design process. In order to evaluate the harmonics sources we should follow some standards that are set by IEEE as they have specified some guidelines and limits that we should follow. Following those guidelines will be helpful during measurements and understanding the devices used. 2.7.2 Harmonics Limits There are many standards which have been set by many organizations (national/international) in order to improve the quality of service provided and to protect the customers from all different effect of disturbances that may occurs in electrical systems. For this project we will discuss the limits specified by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2.7.3 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) According to IEEE 519-1992 standards the total voltage distortion and the total current distortion limits should be within the specified limits as shown in Table 3.1 and Table [2]: Table 3.1 Total Voltage Distortion Limits According to IEEE 519-1992 Table 2.7 Total Current Distortion Limits According to IEEE 519-1992 SCR is the ratio of the maximum short circuit current to the maximum fundamental frequency load current at the point of common coupling (PCC)[]. 2.7.4 Harmonics Evaluation Harmonic currents produced by nonlinear loads can interact with the utility power supply. This interaction often gives a rise to voltage and current harmonic distortion observed in many places in the system. Therefore, to limit both voltage and current harmonic distortion, as seen in the limits set by the IEEE standard 519-1992 in order to limit the harmonic current injection from the end users to make the harmonic voltage levels on the overall power system acceptable [8]. The two most common used indices measuring the harmonic waveform are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Total Demand Distortion (TDD) Since there are two parties involved in limiting the total harmonic distortion which are divided between the utility and the customers, the evaluation is divided into two parts which are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Measurements of the currents that are being injected by the loads à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Calculations of the frequency response of the system impedance The total harmonic distortion (THD) is a measure of the effective value of the harmonic components of a distorted waveform relative to the fundamental. In order to calculate the total harmonic distortion for the voltage or current Equation (1) or (2) are used [1]: (1) (2) The total demand distortion (TDD) is expressed in terms of the maximum demand load current. TDD can be calculated using Equation (3) [1]: (3) In computing the short circuit level at the point of common coupling the normal system condition that will result in minimum short circuit level will be taken into consideration as it causes the most severe impact to the system. The short circuit current can be calculated using Equation (3.3) [8]: Where MVA and kV represent the three-phase short-circuit capacity in megavolt amperes and the line-to-line voltage at the point of common coupling in kV, respectively. The load current should be evaluated in order to determine the short circuit ratio Equation (3.4) can be used to calculate the load current [8]: 3.6 How to Evaluate Compliance Harmonic currents produced by nonlinear loads can interact adversely with the utility supply system. The interaction often gives rise to voltage harmonic distortion and current harmonic distortion observed in many places in the power system. Therefore, it is required to identify the point of common coupling (PCC) in order to have a more accurate measurement and evaluation. For industrial and commercial end users, the PCC is usually at the primary side of a service transformer that supplies the facility as shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Macbeth :: essays research papers

Effect of Supernatural Forces The presence of supernatural forces in Macbeth is an extremely vital aspect of the play. The Weird sisters are fundamental characters because they prophesizr the futire, adding to the dramatic affect of the play. They show how desire, ambition, and greed, are often more overpowering than reason. Through the predictions made to Macbeth in the second scene of Act I, Macbeth is encouraged, and his mind is opened to the possibilities of actions that he would otherwise not consider. They promise that he will be Thane of Cawdor, and even king.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shortly after becoming Thane, his thoughts stray to the glory that he could have as ruler. â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir.† He says this because he does not wish to take any action to make sure that he becomes king, but he does, in fact, truly desire to take Duncan’s position. He gives word of his encouter to his wife, and she too, is filled with ambition; even more so than her husband. It is she, lacking the â€Å"milk of human kindness†, that persuades Macbeth to carry through with his thoughts. She says to herself, â€Å" Come thee hither that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valor of my tongue. She is helped by the forces of the supernatural world, and with this aid, is able to convince Macbeth to commit the murder. She gives up all that is feminine about her so that wretchedness and cruelty can envelop her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other supernatural forces that lead Macbeth down his path of evil and insanity are Banquo’s ghost, and the apparitions that the witches conjure. The apparitions especially lead to Macbeth’s downfall. The second one tells him that, â€Å"no man of woman born shall harm Macbeth†, and another says, â€Å"Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.† This gives him security, which, â€Å"is mortals’ chieftest enemy†, as Hjecate states; and in this security comes his death.

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

Acid Rain Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters. It causes harm to our own race as well because we eat these fish, drink this water and, eat these plants. About 20 years ago scientists first believed that acid rain was due to entirely air pollution. They were partially right. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England, pollution had been affecting all the trees, soil and rivers in Europe and North America. The use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are largely to be blamed for almost half of the emissions of sulfur dioxide in the world. However, there is another cause. The other cause is naturally occurring sulfur dioxide. Natural sources which release this gas are volcanoes, sea spray, rotting vegetation and plankton. The EPA {Environmental Protection Agency} has an acid rain program. This program is working to significantly reduce utilities’ emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the pollutants responsible for acid deposition. Across Europe there is a project going on in the schools, whose main goal is to educate young people about the changing nature of acid rain and the response of environmental systems to these changes, called â€Å"Acid Rain 2000†. Schools are being invited to join the project from across continental Europe as well as the UK. Already the project has participants in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland and Denmark. People can get more involved with wanting to solve this problem by becoming more aware of acid rain and spreading awareness as well. Awareness should start in the schools. Students should be given the right perspective about acidic rain. Some people are under the impression that acidic lakes are grimy and gross, when really they have a captivating beauty. Granted the reason the lakes are so clear and beautiful are for the wrong reasons, people should know what to look out for. Students should be taught to conserve fossil fuels at a very young age, for the fossil fuels will be gone one day. When conserving the fossil fuels, the students will also be limiting the amount of sulfur emitted into the air, which in turn lessens the amount of acidity in the rain.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Trifles by Susan Keating Glaspell Essay -- essays research papers

Trifles by Susan Keating Glaspell Mention the word feminist and most people think of the modern women's movement. Long before the bra burning of the 60’s, however, writers were writing about the lives and concerns of women living in a male dominated society. Susan Glaspell's play, Trifles, was written in 1916, long before the modern women's movement began. Her story reveals, through Glaspell's use of formal literary proprieties, the role that women are expected to play in society, and the harm that it brings not only the women, but the men as well. Character names are important in Trifles. Two characters who are never seen, John and Minnie Wright, provide the inciting incident for the play. The name "Wright" plays off the social stereotype of women seeking" Mr. Right," so they also represent the roles of men and women in the larger society. Minnie's name has a double significance, "Minnie" being "mini" or "minimized," which was descriptive of her relationship w ith John and in general of women's relationship with men. The taking of the husband's name is also important in the story. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters are not given first names. The role that society has cast them in is one that is defined by their husbands. Mrs. Peters, who is married to the sheriff, is viewed in those terms, not as an individual. The county attorney even says "for that matter a sheriff's wife is married to the law" (Glaspell ..). Mrs. Peters herself tries to fulfill that role, saying "Mrs. Hale, the law is the law" (Glaspell ..). She tries to reinforce that identity until she is faced with the brutality of what John Wright did to Minnie. She says "I know what stillness is. The law has got to punish crime, Mrs. Hale" (Glaspell ..). The difference is that she is talking about the crime committed against Minnie, not the murder. The best example of the importance of names, especially married names, is the image of Minnie Foster. "I hea r she used to wear pretty clothes and be lively when she was Minnie Foster . . ." Mrs. Hale says (Glaspell..). She talks about Minnie again on page ..: "I wish you'd seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in the choir and sang" (Glaspell..). The image of Minnie Foster is used to show, by contrast, what John Wright ... ...g when she replies to the county attorney's question about the quilt, saying "we call it —knot it, Mr. Henderson" (Glaspell ..). The title, Trifles, is itself a reflection of how men view women. A "trifle" is something that is small, of no consequence. Mr. Hale says that "women are used to worrying over trifles" (Glaspell ..). The irony of the story is that while the men are running around looking for "clues," the women have discovered the key to the mystery among what the men look at as only silly women's work. The feminist agenda of Trifles is not meant to be subtle. Glaspell uses the formal elements in the play to help convey the feminist theme. The title, the character names, and the metaphors all work together to paint not only a picture of Minnie's life with John, but by extension, the lives of all women who live oppressed under male domination. Trifles is not just a reflection, however. It is also a call for women to use their perceived powerlessness as a tool to manipulate the system, and a warning to men that a system where one segment of the population dominates and oppresses another, cannot and will not be tolerated forever.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Life Worth Fighting for

A Life worth Fighting For There are many babies that are born early; many mothers do everything they can to stay pregnant until at least 27 weeks. There are just some things that can't be stopped. There are many families that rely on insurance companies to help out with that cost, but more and more insurance companies are trying to or are turning down premature babies that are born before 27 weeks. Should insurance companies be able to turn down a premature baby because of the risk of being sued? Many hospitals even have doctors that will not help the baby if the insurance will not help out.Many mothers cannot control when they have a baby. There are many hospitals that even tell the mothers that she is fine and that she is just having Braxton Hicks, but in all honestly she is having actual contractions. There are Terbutaline shots that doctors could use to help stop the contractions if they would actually listen to women. There are also different procedures that can be done to stop from someone’s water breaking. There are more and more insurance companies, especially private companies that are trying to turn down babies that are born before 27 weeks.Private insurance companies sometimes have lower deductibles, but there are a lot of things that they are trying to leave out so they do not have to cover. Companies think that preemies before 27 weeks are a liability and if they helped cover the charges and the baby did not make it that the family would go after them and put them out of business. Sadly many companies are finding that either way they can get sued. There are insurance companies that are turning down preemies; making it so the child does not have a fighting chance at life. With insurance companies turning down preemies, the companies should help pay for abortions.The companies are pretty much stating they rather a fetus not have a chance than to try and help pay for a preemie or a child with a down syndrome. There are some states like Oregon a nd Arizona (Abortion Facts) that have abortion laws that are banning abortion, if a state is going to ban abortion than they should make all the insurance companies that are used in that state cover an infant no matter what. Many insurance companies especially private ones are at a higher liability with covering a child born before 27 weeks. There are some many risks that insurance companies could be faced with.For a premature baby to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for even two days the hospital bill would range from $25,000 to a $100,000. Many insurance companies don't see any type of outcome from that. They think that a family with a low deductable should have to pay more each month for insurance if the family expects them to pay that much for their child. There are also many â€Å"big named† companies that think spending that much on a baby is ridiculous. Yes, to someone that child may be their only child or only chance at having a baby. Insurance companie s look at the long run.Either the deductable is going to go up or the monthly payment is going to go up. Why should we have insurance companies if they are going to have the option of what they cover when the situation arrives? There have been insurance companies that have been sued for babies that do not make it because they were limited the help and the medication the baby was receiving. On the other hand, there are also insurance companies that are getting sued due to turning down a baby and the baby surviving. Many insurance companies if they cover having a baby that early will only support or help pay for certain things.There are a lot of tests like Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (Premature Infant) that the child needs done and insurance companies refuse to pay for but if the child doesn't have the tests done than the doctors don't know what exactly they need to do to help the baby live. Therefore, there are many babies that do not make it due to an insurance company tu rning down certain things. There have also been many insurance companies that have been sued for turning down helping a family and the child makes it. It is neglect on the insurances part for not giving the chance they deserve.There are quite a few doctors (Smith) (Graham) that refuse to help babies that early because of insurance companies, but there are also doctors that believe a child that early does not have a chance. In 2008 Sara Capewell gave birth to a little boy that the doctors had refused to help or send to the NICU because she was at high risk of having a premature baby and they had told her not to have any more children. (Smith) So the insurance companies are part of the reason infants do not receive proper care, and there are insurance companies get â€Å"lucky† because the doctor refuses to help the family out.There are doctors out there that are only in the profession for the money. They don't care if they are saving a life or not they just want the â€Å"big † paychecks every two weeks. They think that if an insurance company isn't going to help pay for the care of a baby that early than the hospital won't get the money making so they don't get paid. So they turn down families that have no control over the situation. Many mothers are sent home to have the baby so they can have their time with the baby when the infant doesn't make it.How unfair is that to not even give a child a chance because they are worried about not getting paid. Well insurance companies think that they are â€Å"lucky† for there being doctors like that. It makes the hospital look bad not the insurance companies. Every child should have a chance to live. If insurance companies are not going to help a family or mother give that child a chance at life then the insurance company should really look into assisting with birth control and abortion fees. Every child has the right to fight for their life and an insurance company should be there to help no matter what the case is.Works Cited Allen, Vanessa. â€Å"‘Doctors Told Me It Was against the Rules to save My Premature Baby'† Mail Online. 10 Sept. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . â€Å"Facts About Abortion: State Abortion Laws (U. S. ). † Abort73. com / Abortion Unfiltered. 10 June 2010. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . â€Å"Premature Infant: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. † U. S National Library of Medicine. U. S. National Library of Medicine, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . Smith, Graham. â€Å"England's Healthcare System Allows Premature Babies to Die. † Godlike Productions. 08 Sept. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dwi case with multiple fatalities Essay

Driving while being intoxicated is a serious crime. This becomes more serious when the charge is juxtaposed with multiple fatalities including DWI charges. These charges include underage driving, underage drinking, resisting against arrest and public damage. (Kar, 145) Such an incident took place in Middletown in 1999. This is a perfect example of the multiple fatalities while driving. Henry Bitchel was 15 when he crashed his 1966 Ford on a public telephone booth. The officer in charge booked the offence and tried to measure his blood alcohol level suspecting him being drunk. To this Henry resisted and thus offence was created against the law. However with the help of force the officer registered the blood alcohol level was placed in a much higher than the permissible level. (King, 126) Thus four major charges were lodged against Henry. The first was of underage driving without a valid license, the second charge was underage drinking as he was 15 years of age. The third was resisting arrest and it should be stated that Henry could have well done without this one. The last one was damage of public property in form of a telephone booth. The fifth and the main issue that was charged against Henry was the case of drinking while driving. (Lamb, 243-245) It should be noted that the law is enforced for the betterment of civic society and the good of the civilians. Therefore it is evident that the citizen should follow these rules. Otherwise, as in the case of Henry, there could be multiple fatalities including DWI charges and that is a must avoidable scenario. Works Cited: Kar, P; History of US Automobile Market (Kolkata: Dasgupta & Chatterjee 2005) pp 145 King, H; Civic Fitness Today (Dunedin: HBT & Brooks Ltd. 2005) pp 126 Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata. (Wellington: National Book Trust. 2004) pp 243-245

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Three Different Religious Views on Serving the Homeless

Devin Felder Miss Coles World Religion 8 December 2011 Three Different Religious Views on Serving the Homeless People who practice Buddhism believe that giving is a major foundation of their lifestyle. They believe that being generous is very important and to be taken seriously. â€Å"Compassion and love are not mere luxuries.? As the source both of inner and external peace,? they are fundamental to the continued survival of our species† (His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama). They see serving others as a vow or commitment they have made with their faith.They view this subject as if you can see yourself in others, who is there for you to hate? Buddhist monks â€Å"beg† for a living to make themselves dependent upon the compassion of others. â€Å"If you do not tend to one another, then who is there to tend you? Whoever would tend me, he should tend the sick† (Vinaya, Mahavagga 8. 26. 3). They believe that you harm no one, help anyone you can. â€Å"Just as a mother w ould protect her only child at the risk of her own life, even so, cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.Let your thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world† (Sutta Nipata 149-150). They believe in considering others as yourself. Jewish law mandates helping the poor and that specifically includes housing. Jews feel that the word â€Å"charity† implies that your heart motivates you to go beyond the call of duty. They also feel that the word â€Å"tzedakah,† however, literally means righteousness — doing the right thing, and a â€Å"tzaddik,† likewise, is a righteous person, someone who fulfills all his obligations, whether in the mood or not.Helping the less fortunate is very important to them and helps them to feel complete. â€Å"Abraham gave Malki- Tzedek one-tenth of all his possessions† (Genesis 14:20). Jews believe that it is their duty to help others in need. â€Å"Jacob vowed to give one-tenth of all his future acquisi tions to the Almighty† (Genesis 29:22). They believe that rightfully that God commands them to help the poor. It is their right. If there is a needy person among you†¦you must open your hand and lend him sufficient resources for whatever he needs.For the poor will never disappear from the earth, which is why I command you: open your hand to the poor and needy kinsman in your land† (Deuteronomy 15:7-8, 11). They have a sheer compassion for helping those in need. Muslims believe that it is part of our human nature to help, support, and be generous towards those who cannot cover their own needs. Which is how I feel about the subject. â€Å"He who sleeps on a full stomach whilst his neighbour goes hungry is not one of us† (Prophet Muhammad). They try not to think about the homeless as being any lesser than them, they that they are people too who may have just lost their way. He (Allah) has set up the balance (of justice), in order that ye may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance† (The Qur’an 55: 7-9). They believe that Allah is testing their love for him when they encounter the unfortunate. They think that if you are patient, caring and forgiving towards others, no matter what you’ve done, Allah will have mercy on you. â€Å"Whoever relieves his brother of a trial or a difficulty in this life, God will relieve him of a trial in the next life† (Prophet Muhammad).They feel that in order for them to move on into the next life they must keep Allah happy by helping out others. They believe that one wants for his brother what he wants for himself. Homelessness and poverty and how we handle is a very touchy subject all around the world. All of these faiths all basically have the same concept on homelessness. They all feel that it is their purpose on Earth to help others who cannot sometimes help themselves. We al want the satisfaction of knowing that we helped a person in need.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Problems In Accessing Health Care Health And Social Care Essay

Nepal has made important advancement in cut downing infant mortality in the last few decennaries. The infant mortality rate in Nepal has dropped from 113 per 1000 in 1987 to 48 per 1000 unrecorded births in 2006. However ; this diminution is non equal to run into the Millennium Development Goal ( MDG-4 ) .One of the grounds for this is, the hapless diminution in neonatal mortality rate ( NMR ) .The neonatal mortality accounts 69 per centum of IMR ( 33 in 48 ) .1 The MDG-4 can non be met unless we do more to cut down neonatal deceases, particularly in developing states in Africa and South Asia.2 Further betterment in infant endurance is critically linked to improved newborn endurance. Each twelvemonth 4 million babes die in the four hebdomads of life – the neonatal period. That is more than 10000 deceases a twenty-four hours. Most of these deceases are live and remain unseeable to all. Virtually, 99 per centum of these deceases occur in developing countries.2 Government wellness services are non the chief contact points while they become sick. When unwellness occurs, a scope of local attention suppliers are available. Choices are made within a web of traditional and allopathic options that besides encompasses sensed costs, geographical and climatic restraints, and the clip of twenty-four hours, the type of unwellness, cultural and spiritual concerns and opportunity. Seeking of medical aid is done merely after supplier shopping. Family patterns and behaviour drama a cardinal function in the attention of newborn. Inappropriate eating and other patterns predispose neonates to hazard of complications and delayed acknowledgment of unwellness and delayed wellness seeking may take to a potentially preventable decease. Hence it is of huge value to understand community perceptual experiences about newborn wellness in order to invent behavioral alteration communicating schemes. Newborn mortality remains a serious job in the underdeveloped universe. Every twelvemonth 30000 Nepali kids die before they are 28 yearss old.The state with a NMR 33 per 1000 unrecorded births has the 3rd highest neonatal mortality in the universe 1 The hazard of decease in the neonatal period in developing parts of the universe is more than six times the hazard in developed regions.3 To day of the month, Child endurance programmes in the development universe have tended to concentrate on Pneumonia, Diarrhoea, malaria and Vaccines preventable diseases, which chiefly causes deceases after the first month of life. In add-on Safe maternity programmes have focused chiefly on the female parent. Prevention of newborn deceases has been lost between kid endurance and safe maternity programmes. 1, 2,Rationale for the surveyThe pattern of appropriate wellness seeking has a great potency to cut down the happening of terrible and dangerous newborn unwellnesss. Information on the wellness seeking behavior helps the policy shapers set schemes to diminish the mortality due to Newborn unwellnesss. However, no such surveies have been reported from Nepal specially done Dalit community. Newborns attention is one of the national precedence plans. Governments are get downing to include newborn ‘s demands in national wellness policies in conformity with the Convention on the rights of the kid and other international committednesss. A few states are developing specific policies for newborn wellness ; for illustration, Nepal, had developed National Neonatal Health Strategy ( 2004 ) , National Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health- Long Term Plan ( 2006-2017 ) and Community Based Newborn Care Package ( CBNCP ) 2008. Improved family patterns and usage of services, frequently at the community degree, will increase newborn endurance. Behaviour, that is, attention for or usage of services by female parents and neonates, is cardinal. Therefore, this survey has been designed to measure the determiners of wellness seeking behavior for newborn unwellness in Dalit community, which will be a utile piece of information for policy shapers to put schemes to diminish newborn morbidity and mortality. Besides, it will be utile for the research worker to place the factors related to newborn unwellness and attention seeking behavior of Dalit community and hence develop farther research in this country. The intent of this survey is to measure wellness seeking behavior of the female parents during newborn unwellness and to observe the consequence of socio- demographic, socio-cultural, economic and disease-related variables, on female parent ‘s attention seeking behavior during newborn unwellness. The intent i s to measure the grounds for preferred attention seeking behavior and female parents ‘ cognition about danger marks of Newborns.Literature ReviewNewborn CareThe female parent should take her newborn babe to the nearest wellness attention installation ( SHP ) if the babe has/is, hapless eating or suction, hapless call, refusal to feed, stiffness of the organic structure, xanthous stain of organic structure, fast external respiration, bluish babe ( bluish lips ) , discharge from the Umbilicus or eyes, hot or cold babe on touch, being born excessively early or excessively little at birth, grunting respiration, lassitude, diarrhea, etc.9 About all believed in giving foremilks, although a few grandmas were against it, because they thought that it was old and stored milk, and therefore non good for the babe. Almost everyone believed in utilizing day-to-day addendums, H2O, or honey along with chest milk. Very few female parents expressed cognition about sole breastfeeding ; nevertheless, they were concerned that they may non be able to pattern due to the contrary sentiment of the grandmothers.8Causes of Neonatal DeathEstimates from 2000 of the distribution of direct causes of decease indicate that preterm birth ( 28 per centum ) , terrible infections ( 36 per centum ) , including sepsis/pneumonia ( 26 per centum ) , tetanus ( 7 per centum ) , and diarrhea ( 3 per centum ) , and complications of asphyxia ( 23 per centum ) history for most neonatal deceases. Of the staying 14 per centum, 7 per centum of deceases were related to inborn abnormalcies 2 Late neonatal deceases are chiefly due to infections. Case direction of neonatal infections is chiefly provided through child-health services, both in installations and through family-community attention. Remarkable advancement has been made in cut downing neonatal lockjaw, but riddance is an unfinished planetary committedness, originally scheduled for 1995, so broadened to maternal and neonatal lockjaw and postponed to 2005.12 Neonatal lockjaw is now responsible for a little proportion of planetary neonatal deceases ( 6 per centum ) and is about entirely a disease of the hapless. It is eminently preventable, but the universe looks set to lose the riddance mark for a 2nd clip, while turn overing out much more expensive intercessions, such as bar of mother-to-child transmittal of HIV/AIDS. 2Problems in accessing wellness attentionOn being asked about health-care seeking, most felt that it was appropriate to first seek home-based redresss and so seek medical attending. If medical atten ding was required, they preferred to take the kid foremost to the unqualified small town practicians and so to authorities infirmaries. Reasons for non taking a ill babe to the authorities infirmary included distant location, long waiting lines, and impolite and indurate behavior of the staff. 8 It is likely that Behavioural alteration intercessions and communications preparation of wellness services forces could potentially better opportunities for endurance if they result in neonates being seen quickly and serious unwellnesss being identified every bit early as possible. 9Newborn – A National PriorityGovernment of Nepal developed a national newborn wellness scheme program to the twelvemonth 2017 through a advisory procedure, affecting representatives from diverse backgrounds e.g. , neonatology, safe maternity, and community mobilization. Although strong leaders are of import, the power of civil society, including the imperativeness, should non be ignored. Community authorization should be a basis of programme design.12 Involving and authorising communities-not simply aiming them-seems to amplify the consequence of intercessions 12 and increases answerability of clinical attention suppliers.Dalit community – province of exclusionDespite the best attempts of Pl an Nepal to make them, many people within its programme countries have still non benefited. Those surveyed, peculiarly Terai Dalits rely about wholly on agribusiness. Unfair and exploitatory labor dealingss in the agribusiness sector contribute to the digesting want. More than 40 per centum of Madhesi Dalit families, in a province of practical bondage, depend on ; local money loaners, normally rich husbandmans, to survive.13 There are Madhesi Dalits 4.7 per centum of entire population Literacy rate of Dalit adult females was 11 per centum and life anticipation of Dalit adult females was 42.14 Dalits are most excluded, partially due to their deficiency of consciousness and partially to caste-based favoritism. Dalits have the highest per centum of unmet demand of contraceptive method about 35 per centum and 2nd last entree to Antenatal attention ( 58 per centum ) .14 These are the factors that Mothers and their neonates remains most vulnerable. Among Terai Dalits, although about all w ent to a wellness station, the pattern of health- seeking behavior is really really hapless. They go to wellness stations for immunisation but are loath to travel when they are sick.13Research AimsGeneral aim& A ; gt ; To place factors impacting wellness seeking behavior for newborn unwellnesss in Dalit community of Sunsari territorySpecific aims& A ; gt ; To place socio – demographic and socio – cultural factors act uponing the wellness seeking behavior for newborn unwellness. & A ; gt ; To research cognition of female parents act uponing the wellness seeking behavior for newborn unwellness. & A ; gt ; To happen out wellness seeking pattern for newborn unwellness. & A ; gt ; To measure the handiness and handiness of wellness services act uponing the wellness seeking behavior for newborn unwellness.Operational DefinitionsHealth seeking behaviorBehavior of neonate ‘s female parent who consulted for aid and intervention of newborn unwellness from authorities wellness installations and private hospitals/clinics was known as Health seeking behaviour.Dalit communityThe socially excluded group of people given the name as Dalits such as Mushahar, Chamar, Paswan, Tatma, Khatway, Bantar, Dom, Chidimar, Dhobi, Halkhor are considered as Dalit community, as mentioned in ( Caste/Ethnic Groupings, Planning Commission )Education of the female parentIt was defined as figure of schooling twelvemonth completed by the female parent. It included nonreader who can non read and compose and literate who can read and compose with formal schooling. Among literate, they were categorized as primary degree instruction ( formal schooling up to standard five ) , secon dary degree instruction ( formal schooling up to standard 10 ) and above secondary.Income position of the householdIt was categorized on the footing of adequateness of the household ‘s income to feed their household. There were four class of income position such as: – Daily earning and day-to-day disbursal that has to gain day-to-day for day-to-day nutrient – Adequate for one-three months whose annual income was equal for one to three months to feed their household? – Adequate for four to six months, households that had income adequate for four to six months to feed their household. – Adequate for seven to twelve months, households that had income adequate for seven to twelve months to feed their household.Knowledge of female parents sing symptoms of unwellnessKnowledge of the female parent was measured in footings of the figure of the right reply of marks and symptoms as reported by respondent and categorized it as hapless cognition, mean cognition and first-class cognition.MotherMother holding kids less than 6 month of age of the Inaruwa Ilaka, Sunsari. However the inquiry was asked to the female parent about the first month of her baby.Percept on behavior of wellness workersThe old experience of female parents with the behavior of the wellness worker.Use of free servicesIt refers to the cognition about the handiness of free wellness services at Government wellness Institution, addition in the figure of visit by female parent of neonate from Dalit community after deduction of free services and the perceptual experience of service hr.Percept on service H ourPercept of wellness installation gap clip which is really frequently 10am to 2pm.Appropriate attentionCare sought from qualified medical professionals in authorities wellness installations and private hospitals/clinics.Inappropriate attentionOther type of attention such as buying medical specialties from pharmaceutics, place redresss, sing pharmaceuticss, temples and traditional therapists was defined as inappropriate attention.Prompt attentionAny type of attention that was sought/given within 24 hours from the acknowledgment of the unwellnessConceptual modelReligionEducationAge Occupation Economic StatusNew Born Baby Care PracticeKnowledge of Mothers Regarding Symptoms of IllnessSocio Demographic and Socio CulturalNo. of New Born Baby Aware of handiness of wellness service Health Seeking Behavior for Newborn Illness Transportation system Accessibility of Health ServiceHousehold Decision MakerUse of free serviceMethodologyStudy DesignA descriptive and cross-sectional survey designStudy AreaThe survey will carry on in Inaruwa Ilaka of Sunsari District. The territory and Inaruwa Ilaka will be purposively selected for the survey. Sunsari territory is one of the eastern territories of Nepal consists of 15 Ilaka, 49 VDC and 3 Municipality.III. Data aggregation technique– Direct interview with female parents of babies.IV. Data aggregation tools– Pre tested structured and semi structured questionnaires will be used for direct interviewSampling frameEntire female parents holding kids less than 6 months of age of Inaruwa Illka from Dalits such as Mushahar, Chamar, Paswan, Tatma, Khatway, Bantar, Dom, Chidimar, Dhobi, Halkor are the sampling frame.Sampling DesignSimple Random SamplingSample sizeThe entire no of Dalit female parents ( 150 ) holding kids less than 6 months of age from the choice countries are the sa mple size.Ethical ConsiderationsData will be collected merely after blessing from Research Committee, School of Public Health ( SRM University ) after taken permission from District Health Office, Inaruwa Municipality and Village Development Committee. Consent of the caput of the household or Husband of the respondent and the consent of the respondent will be taken prior to roll up informations. The information collect in the survey is merely usage for the survey purposes no individualized information will be exposed.Restriction of the surveyMerely one Ilaka will be taken as the survey country and merely Dalit population are the survey population therefore the consequence may non be generalized to the big population. To obtain such information big graduated table survey is necessary.Bias ReductionChoice Bias MinimizeRandomizationInformation Bias MinimizeStructural InquirersConfusing Variable DecreaseMothers Having Baby less than 6 months of ageTime LineS.N Activities 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th hebdomad 1 Sample Selection, Rapport Building and Data aggregation 2 Data Collection 3 Data Collection Data Compilation and Data Entry 4 Dada Analysis and Report Writing

Friday, September 13, 2019

What HR Managers Must Know about Employee Sabotage Dissertation

What HR Managers Must Know about Employee Sabotage - Dissertation Example Attribution theory attaches two types of explanation for things that happened in the above-explained paragraph, i.e. it gives two kinds of explanation: External Attribution and Internal Attribution. Thus the question naturally arises that by knowing the kinds of attribution that people make or subordinates make, in this case, can managers control their behavior? When internal attribution is enforced or rather induced with care it is indeed easy to implement. It happens because when people make an internal attribution for their actions, they also change their attitudes and beliefs about themselves. Thus, the desired behavior follows naturally. What about the use of external attributions? Through rewards and punishments, the actions only follow as long as the reward or punishment matters to the subject. The reward or punishment prevents people from making an internal attribution and thus acquires not an internally motivated habit to produce the desired behavior. Instead, they expect so me external agent to cause their actions.3.0 Perception and Managers Subordinates may feel uncomfortable about the supervisors’ possession of higher power (to make them conform to his views) and most of the time their perspectives are thus more distorted under a sense of oppression. This may reduce right understanding of managers perspective, which is seen as threatening and thus subordinates try not to think in his/her way so as not to be engulfed or â€Å"change† into a person who can be manipulated according to the managers' wishes. Hence, by maintaining a somewhat resistant perspective they feel less overpowered and freer. However, managers may take this stance of positively using their power for effective decision-making, which constitutes rationality of decision, acceptance of the decision by the subordinate and effective time given to make the decision. Positive power held by a manager may also stimulate interest among his/her subordinates to view the organizational work from a newer perspective. Even if that work objective does not coincide with the manager, but may contain the greater interest of the firm or organization, thereby generating greater awareness of the mission.